Saturday 24 January 2015


Lifeis a gift from God. Belivers define life as begining from conception till death and regard it as sacred (Genesis 1:27; 2:7).
Even our lives are entrusted to us. We cannot do just whatever we like with our lives. And we are also accountable for where and how our lives, actions and decisions affect other people's lives.

The live of a chritian is special, Once a person is born again, he is expected to live unto Christ ( 2 Corinthians 5:15 ; Galatians 2:20 ). God owns me; I am his ( Psalms 95:6-7 ). I am to honour him with even my physical body ( 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 ; 6:18-20 ).

I live from an eternal perspective. It is a purpose-driven life. In the Vineyard, stewardship of life is about making my life count for God - the strategic value of every moment, every choice, and every decision. It is about having a sense of urgency on the Great Commission - redeeming the time. The responsibility is awesome ( Ezekiel 3:18 ). I am called to live a life of witness and to be occupied in intentional gosple proclamation.

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